Samstag, 23. Dezember 2006

Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq

Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq is a high-ranking official of the Hizb-e-Wahdat political party of Afghanistan. He came to prominence during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Afghan Civil War, becoming one of the two most prominent Hazara Leaders during the 1990s alongside Abdul Ali Mazari.
As part of the Northern Alliance during the civil war, Muhaqiq led numerous successful attacks against the ruling Taliban government from his stonghold of the Hazarajat. In 2001, his militia, alongside with those of Uzbek Leader Abdul Rashid Dostum and Tajik warlord Mohammed Atta, captured Mazari Sharif from the Taliban, the first major victory of the Northern Alliance in the final months of the civil war.
Following the overthrow of the Taliban, Mohaqiq was appointed Minister of Planning and one of four vice chairmen in the transitional government led by Hamid Karzai, but later resigned over differences with members in the government.
Mohaqiq was a candidate in the 2004 Afghan presidential elections, placing third behind Karzai and current parliamentary leader Yunus Qanuni.
Currently, Mohaqiq is a member of the Afghan parliament and has become one of the leading opponents in the parliament to Hamid Karzai's administration.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

salam rafiq.
mohaqqeq and warloard?
ai topic ra az harjay ki copy kada khob nakhanda. baaz bekhan rafiq.

Jan Ibrahim hat gesagt…

sorry i haven't read this as i post it there. now i have corrected it.